National Fred Harvey Museum

Tour the National Fred Harvey Museum
The best way to learn about the Harvey family, the Fred Harvey Company, the Harvey House Restaurant and Hotel chain, and those famous Harvey Girls is to tour the National Fred Harvey Museum. And we’re proud to have the National Fred Harvey Museum here in Leavenworth, KS.
The structure is currently undergoing substantial restoration, however, special arrangements for tours can be made by contacting the museum: (913) 682-7949 or FredHarveyHouse(at)
The National Fred Harvey Museum is excited about:
• Restoring the Harvey residence to its historic magnificence
• Furnishing it with interesting artifacts
• Increasing public awareness of Mr. Harvey’s accomplishments
• Providing insights into the Harvey family
Harvey Girls
Message from the Harvey Family
We are fortunate to have close association with descendants of the Harvey family who have contributed family artifacts and are providing enthusiastic support. Once such descendant of Fred Harvey—Mr. J. Stewart Harvey, Jr.—writes to us:
“As a great-grandson of Fred Harvey, I am the oldest direct descendant, the last Harvey to be born in the Kansas City area, and one of the last to have worked for the Fred Harvey Company. Speaking personally as well as for the members of the Harvey family, we are very pleased to see the establishment of The National Fred Harvey Museum.
We are doubly pleased to see Fred Harvey’s house in Leavenworth as the museum’s home as that is where he was happiest, where his luck changed to prosperity, where he thought his new country was at its best, and where he and his immediate family are buried.”